Joey Davis

Quick Start: SQL Server Temporal Tables

Master SQL Server Temporal Tables for efficient historical data management. Learn how to set up, query, and maintain system-versioned tables that automatically track data changes over time. This comprehensive guide covers everything from basic setup to advanced querying techniques, making it essential reading for database developers and administrators looking to enhance their data auditing and point-in-time analysis capabilities.

Published on By Joey Davis

From slowly changing dimensions in data warehousing, to rapidly changing IoT sensor data, having a historical reference of when and how data changes is a valuable asset. Especially in the enterprise database environment, the ability to track data changes is critical for point-in-time analysis, auditing, and even debugging application processes or errors that generate incorrect data. History tables serve this purpose by describing changes to data over time.

Starting with SQL Server 2016, system-versioned temporal tables provide built-in support for historical record management. A history of data changes is automatically maintained for temporal tables and accompanied by several T-SQL extensions for querying and analyzing the data at particular points in time. Here's how to get started.

Temporal Table Setup

Below is an example of the DDL for a temporal table called DeliveryMethods. This is a simplified table for demonstration purposes that might appear in the database for an e-commerce platform. We'll dig into specific details following the example.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DeliveryMethods]
[DeliveryMethodName] NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
[UserSelectionOrder] INT NOT NULL,
[ModifiedBy] INT NOT NULL,
PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([SysStartTime], [SysEndTime])
HISTORY_TABLE = [dbo].[DeliveryMethodsHistory]

Validity Period

If you are familiar with the management of historical data changes, then you are familiar with the concept of a validity period. This period is the range of time for which a given row instance, or fact, is or was considered valid relative to the real world.

The SQL Server database engine manages the period of validity for each row automatically using two columns defined explicitly by the user. The two columns have the DATETIME2 data type and represent the period start (frequently named SysStartTime) and period end (frequently named SysEndTime). While the user defines the names of these columns, users typically specify them as SysStartTime and SysEndTime to indicate that they are system-maintained columns and the system start and end time for each row. In scenarios when the validity period is not managed by the system, these same columns are commonly named ValidFrom and ValidTo.

History Table

Temporal tables contain a reference to a history table having the same schema. The database engine uses the history table to store the previous version of a row when it is updated or deleted from the temporal table. The temporal table always contains the current version of the record, so long as it is currently in existence.

In the DDL provided above, we specified a specific name for the history table. Specifying the history table by name is not required as SQL Server provides a generated history table name in its absence. The table name may already exist, but it must match the temporal table schema; otherwise, the result is an error. When there isn't an existing history table specified, the database engine derives the table from the temporal table schema.

Data Retention

SQL Server temporal tables provide built-in retention policy support for data through the HISTORY_RETENTION_PERIOD parameter. Through this parameter, it is possible to specify the retention period for historical data when defining a temporal table. The retention period specification allows for DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, or YEARS. Here is an example:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[GyroscopeMeasurement]
[ValueX] INT NULL,
[ValueY] INT NULL,
[ValueZ] INT NULL,
PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME ([SysStartTime], [SysEndTime])
HISTORY_TABLE = [dbo].[GyroscopeMeasurementHistory],

In the example above, we've specified a retention period of 5 days for gyroscope measurements received from an IoT device. Assuming the database has the TEMPORAL_HISTORY_RETENTION option set to ON (the default, but turned off after certain restore operations), a background task in SQL Server manages the cleanup of data as it ages beyond the retention period.

If the temporal table already exists and you would like to configure temporal history retention for the table, you may accomplish this by altering the table:

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[GyroscopeMeasurement] SET (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (
HISTORY_TABLE = [dbo].[GyroscopeMeasurementHistory],

Identifying Temporal Tables

In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and Azure Data Studio, temporal tables are indicated by a trailing (System-Versioned) label next to the table name. Also note the history table appears nested beneath its dependent temporal table rather than in the list of other tables. It is indicated by a trailing (History) label next to the table name.

Temporal tables are also discernible from the [sys].[tables] view. The column history_table_id indicates the object_id of the history table.

FROM sys.tables
WHERE [temporal_type] = 2;

Temporal Table Data

Querying Data in a Temporal Table

For selecting any current data (the current version), you need not make any adjustments to the query syntax. By default, only current rows are returned. The FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause provides the ability to query rows by validity period or a particular point in time.

ALL Subclause

To get all versions from all time, including both current and deleted records, specify FOR SYSTEM_TIME ALL. Querying in this manner is functionally equivalent to a union query of both the temporal table and its history table.


AS OF Subclause

To retrieve the rows that were current at a particular point in time, specify FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2019-12-31' in the query.

FROM [dbo].[MyTable] FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2019-12-31';

FROM..TO Subclause

To retrieve rows that were current within a particular range of time, specify FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROM [start] TO [end]. A query specifying the FROM/TO syntax includes records that were active beginning before, but not including, the value specified for [end].

FROM [dbo].[MyTable] FOR SYSTEM_TIME FROM '2019-12-31' TO '2020-01-02';

BETWEEN Subclause

To retrieve rows that were current within a particular range of time (including the upper boundary), specify FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN [start] AND [end]. This includes rows having a start time equal to the [end] value specified.

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MyTable] FOR SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN '2019-12-31' AND '2020-01-02';

Beyond selecting data directly from a table, the FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause may also be passed to views containing a temporal table. This greatly simplifies the logic necessary for constructing a view that provides historical data insight.

Inserting Data into a Temporal Table

Inserting data into a temporal table is identical to any other table in SQL Server. If the period columns appear in the column list of the insert statement, or the column list of the insert statement is unspecified, then only the value DEFAULT should appear as the value for that column in the values list. Since the system manages these columns, the database engine disallows manual modification or creation of these values.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[DeliveryMethods] (
'2nd Day Air A.M.',

Here's the recommended method of omitting the period start and end columns while inserting a new record:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[DeliveryMethods] (
'2nd Day Air A.M.',

When the database engine inserts a new record into a temporal table, it uses the beginning time from the current transaction as the period start value and the maximum value for the DATETIME2 data type (9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999) as the period end value. When a record is current (all records in the temporal table), the value from the period end is the same maximum DATETIME2 value.

Updating Data in a Temporal Table

When the database engine updates a record in a temporal table, it inserts the previously current version of the row into the history table and records the system time as the period end time. The row in the current, temporal table receives the updated values and the system time as the period start time. Both the period end column of the old current version (now in the history table) and the period start column of the updated record (in the temporal table) become the time of the current transaction.

The recordset returned by using the SYSTEM_TIME ALL or querying by a period containing multiple versions of a record and ordering by the period start or period end column illustrates this point. You can see how the historical records align by comparing the period start and period end times.

It is possible to update a temporal table using values from the history table. From the earlier example of the DeliveryMethods table, imagine an administrator of the e-commerce application made a change to the delivery method name that was confusing to the other stakeholders involved. The administrator wants to revert the delivery method name to an earlier version, and the application accomplishes this by submitting a query referencing the earlier point in time, as shown below.

UPDATE [DeliveryMethods] SET
[DeliveryMethodName] = History.[DeliveryMethodName]
FROM [DeliveryMethodsHistory] FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2019-12-01' AS History
WHERE History.DeliveryMethodID = 123 AND [DeliveryMethods].DeliveryMethodID = 123;

Deleting Data in a Temporal Table

When a query results in the deletion of a current row from the temporal table, the row relocates to the history table. The period-end column value becomes the system time from the beginning of the transaction containing the deletion operation.

It is okay for the row's primary key to appear in the temporal table again in the future. Keep in mind that if the period start and period end columns do not line up based on the primary key, this indicates some process deleted the record for a length of time, and then it or some other process later re-created the record. For example, in the DeliveryMethods table from our example, this may indicate a user deleted a delivery method and then later restored it.

Schema Changes

Changes to the schema of temporal tables are reasonably straightforward. In many cases, such as adding a column or setting a new default value, SQL Server applies the change to both the temporal table and its history table automatically. However, there are instances where you must make changes within a transaction to disable system-versioning, make the change, and immediately re-enable system-versioning. No data changes occur for the duration of the transaction, so this is fine to do.

-- make changes here
HISTORY_TABLE = [dbo].[MyTableHistory]

Dropping a system-versioned temporal table is not a supported operation. To drop the table, you must first set SYSTEM_VERSIONING to OFF.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[DeliveryMethods]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[DeliveryMethodsHistory]


Temporal tables are an excellent method of achieving historical data management with little effort. Using them significantly reduces the boilerplate associated with tracking the history of data changes in a table and simplifies querying the data with the FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause. Consider adding them to SQL Server data projects to simplify processes and provide comprehensive historical data capabilities.


Reading Time: 9 minutes
Word Count: 1876 words
Author: Joey Davis

Master SQL Server Temporal Tables for efficient historical data management. Learn how to set up, query, and maintain system-versioned tables that automatically track data changes over time. This comprehensive guide covers everything from basic setup to advanced querying techniques, making it essential reading for database developers and administrators looking to enhance their data auditing and point-in-time analysis capabilities.

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